19 Oct It all starts Monday !
Place-make The Vote kick-offs on Monday four polling sites are activated for the build up to Place-Make The Vote on election day
Kicking off the General Election, the Place-make the Vote team will be activating the four primary sites with voter education drives on Monday, October 24th, between 5-7p. This will provide a chance to learn about the various California State Propositions, as well as local and County Measures that we’ll be voting on for this General Election. The events will also serve as an introduction of portions of the Place-make the Vote toolkit, including the voter education tower and some of the fun collateral to be used for Election Day.
The Place-make the Vote team will also be sharing more about the initiative, toolkit, Election Day activities, and recruiting volunteers. By now, most Vote-by-Mail voters should have received their respective ballots and there will be wayfinding assistance to nearby mailboxes and post offices. Officials from the Long Beach City Clerk and Los Angeles County Registrar will also be available for specific questions, voter guides, registration applications and Vote-by-Mail forms.
Monday, October 24th event will take place between 5-7p at these four sites:
1321 East Anaheim Street
PMTV CENTRAL Burnett Branch Library
560 East Hill Street
PMTV SOUTH Long Beach Senior Center
1150 East 4th Street
PMTV UPTOWN Houghton Park Community Center
6301 Myrtle Avenue