TYPE:   Programming
COST:   $$$
SIZE:   Large

Okay, so now that you got people at your event, how are you planning to keep them there? Like many times in life, food is the answer. If your event is outdoors, a food truck is an easy way for people to enjoy a meal and break bread with their neighbors. We only suggest getting a food truck if there are no other restaurants in close proximity as you don’t want to infringe on their business. Sometimes, food trucks will ask for a minimum amount of people you expect will be arriving at the event and if you don’t think you can meet their quota, SPconsider giving an upfront payment to the vendor so that the food is free for everyone! If you want to increase your event’s engagement, consider a voucher system where participants have to participate in a certain activity in order to receive the meal. One thing we learned however is that you can’t make people vote in exchange for a free me as that is actually illegal. One fun thing you can also do is work with the vendor on customizing the menu to cater to the theme of the event as well as the type of people that you expect to come. Don’t overbook the number of food trucks as the competition might lead to a split in sales for these vendors. Lastly, if a food truck is not in your budget, consider getting catered food or organize a potluck with your neighborhood!

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